It's well-known to us right now that one of most important aspects in modern operating systems is protecting the memory in a way that doesn't allow a process to access or write to the memory of another process, furthermore, the memory of the kernel should be protected from the running processes, that is, they should be prevented from accessing directly the memory of the kernel or writing to the memory of the kernel. When we use the term memory of the kernel or memory of the process, we mean the region of the main memory that is being used by the kernel or the process and all of its data or code is stored in this region of the memory.
In chapter , we have presented the distinction between the logical view and physical view of the memory and one of the logical views of the memory has been presented on the same chapter, this logical view was segmented-memory model. We have seen how the hardware has employed the protection techniques to provide memory protection and protect the segments from each other. In the same chapter, we have presented another logical view of the memory, it is flat-memory model, which is exactly same as the physical view of the memory. In this view, the memory is a big bunch of contiguous bytes and each byte has its unique address that can be used to refer to this byte in order to read it or to write to it.
We know that modern operating systems use the flat-memory model and based on that we decided to use this model on 539kernel instead of the segmented-memory model. Deciding which model to use is the job of the kernelist. However, unlike segmentation, when we introduced the flat-memory model, we haven't shown how the memory can be protected in it, in this chapter we present one of the methods that can be used to implement memory protection in flat-memory model. This technique is known as paging, it is a well-known technique that is used widely by modern operating systems and it has a hardware support in x86 architecture.
In paging, the memory of the process (before being loaded to the physical memory) is divided into a number of fixed size blocks known as pages, in the same manner, the physical memory is divided into blocks with the same fixed size, these blocks of physical memory are known as page frames. Figure 1 shows an example of pages and page frames, as you can see in the figure, process A
is divided into n
pages and the main memory is divided into n
page frames, please note that the both n
s shouldn't necessarily be equal. Because both page and page frame have the same size, for example 4KB
1, each page can be loaded exactly into one page frame. To load process A
into the memory, each of its pages should be loaded into a page frame. A page can be loaded into any page frame, for example, let's assume we are loading page 0
of process A
and the first free page frame that we found is page frame 30
, then, the page 0
can be loaded into page frame 30
. Of course, the pages of more than one process can be loaded into the page frames.
Figure 1: An Example that Shows Pages and Page Frames
A data structure known as page table is used to maintain these information about the mapping between pages and their corresponding page frame. Each process has its own page table, in our example of process A
, the information that tells the processor that page 0
can be found in page frame 30
is stored in process A
's page table. In paging, any memory address generated by the process to read or write some data to the memory will be a logical memory address 2, that is, a not real not physical memory address, it has a meaning for the process itself, but for the processor it should be translated to the corresponding physical memory address. The page table of the process is used to perform this translation.
Basically, every generated logical memory address of a process running in a paging-enabled environment is composed of the following parts: the page number and the offset. For example, assume a system which employs paging with length of 2
bytes for memory addresses 3. In this hypothetical system, the format of logical address is the following, the first byte represents the page number and the second byte represents the offset. Process B
is a process that runs in that system, assume that it performed an instruction to read data from the following memory address 0150h
, this is a logical memory address that needs to be translated to the physical address to be able to get the required content. Based on the format of the logical memory addresses in this system, the first byte of the generated memory address which is 01h
represents the page, that means that the required data is stored in page 01h = 1d
of the process B
, but where exactly? According the the generated address, it is on the offset 50h = 80d
of that page.
To perform the translation and get the physical memory address, we need to know in which page frame the page 1
of process B
is loaded. To answer this question the page table of process B
should be consulted. For each page, there is an entry in the page table that contains necessary information, and of course one of those information is the page frame that this page is stored on. This information can be the page frame number or the base memory address of the page frame, it doesn't matter since we can get the base memory address of the page frame by knowing its number and the size of page frames. After getting the base memory address, we can combine it with the required offset to get the physical memory address of the data in question. The hardware that is responsible for the process of memory address translation is known as memory management unit (MMU).
Sometimes, the page table is divided into more than one level. For example, in two-level page table, the entries of the main page table refers to an entry on another page table that contains the the base address of the page frame, x86 architecture uses this design, so we are going to see it on details later on. The reason of using such design is the large size of page tables for a large main memory. As you know, the page table is a data structure that should reside in the main memory itself, and for each page there is an entry in the page table, in x86 for example, the size of this entry is 8
bytes. Furthermore, the size a page tend to be small, 4KB
is a real example of page size. So, if 4GB
is needed to be represented by a page table with 8
bytes of entry size, then 8MB
is needed for this page table which is not a small size for a data structure needed for each process in the system.
It should be clear by now how paging provides memory protection. Any memory address that is generated by the process will be translated to the physical memory by the hardware, there is no way for the process to access the data of any other process since it knows nothing about the physical memory and how to reach it. Consider process C
that runs on the same hypothetical system that we have described above, in the memory location that's represented by the physical memory address A1 9Bh
there is some important data which is stored by the kernel and process C
wishes to read it. If process C
tries the normal way to read from the memory address A1 9Bh
the MMU
of the system is going to consider it as a logical memory address, so, the page table of process C
is used to identify in which page frame that page 00A1h
of process C
is stored. As you can see, the process knows nothing about the outside world and cannot gain this knowledge, it thinks it is the only process in the memory, and any memory address it generates belongs to itself and it cannot interfere the translation process or modify its own page table.
In multitasking system, beside the need of memory protection, also, the main memory should be utilized as much as we can. In such environment, multiple processes should reside in the main memory and at some point of time the main memory will become full and the kernel will not be able to create any new process before stopping a currently running process to use its space in the main memory.
There are many situations where the current processes are occupying a space from the main memory but doesn't really use this space, that wastes this space since it can be used to load a process that really needs this space. An example of these situations is when the process is idle, that is, doing nothing but waiting for some external action (e.g. a button click), in this case the only active code of this process that should be in the main memory is the code that makes the process waits for an event. Furthermore, modern software tend to be too large, there are a lot of routines in a code of modern software that might not be called at all during executing that software, loading the code of those routines into the main memory wastes the occupied space, the routines will be there in the memory, taking some space that can be used for more useful purposes and they will never be called.
Virtual memory is a memory management technique that can be used to utilize the main memory. You might noticed in modern operating systems, you can open any number of software in a given time and you never get a message from the operating system that tells you that there is no enough space in the main memory although the software that you are running need a large space of memory (modern web browsers are obvious example), how can that be achieved? Well, by using virtual memory which depends on paging that we have discussed earlier.
Regarding to paging, we may ask ourselves an important question, should all process' pages be loaded into the memory? In fact, not really. As we have said, the binary code of the software may have a lot of routines that may not be called, so, the pages that contain these routines should not be loaded into the memory since they will not be used, instead, this space can be used for another pages that should really be on the memory. To realize that, when the software is loaded for the first time, only the page the contains the entry code of the software (e.g. main
function in C) is loaded into the memory, not any other page of that software. When some instruction in the entry code tries to read data or call a routine that doesn't exist on the loaded page, then, the needed page will be loaded into the main memory and that piece which was not there can be used after this loading, that is, any page of the process will not be loaded into a free page frame unless it's really needed, otherwise, it will be waiting on the disk, this is known as demand paging.
By employing demand paging, virtual memory saves a lot of memory space. Furthermore, virtual memory uses the disk for two things, first, to store the pages that are no demanded yet, they should be there so anytime one of them is needed, it can be loaded from the disk to the main memory. Second, the disk is used to implement an operation known as swapping.
Even with demand paging, at some point of time, the main memory will become full, in this situation, when a page is needed to be loaded the kernel that implements virtual memory should load it, even if the memory is full! How? The answer is by using the swapping operation, one of page frames should be chosen to be removed from the main memory, this frame in this case is known as victim frame, the content of this frame is written into the disk, it is being swapped out, and its place in the main memory is used for the new page that should be loaded. The swapped out page is not in the main memory anymore, so, when it is needed again, it should be reloaded from the disk to the main memory.
The problem of which victim frame should be chosen is known as page replacement problem, that is, when there is no free page frame and a new page should be loaded, which page frame should we make free to be able to load the new page. Of course, there are many page replacement algorithms out there, one of them is first-in first-out in which the page frame that was the first one to be loaded among the current page frames is chosen as a victim frame. Another well-known algorithm is least recently used (LRU), in this algorithm, everytime the page is accessed, the time of access is stored, when a victim frame is needed, then it will be the oldest one that has been accessed.
The page table can be used to store a bunch of information that are useful for virtual memory. First, a page table usually has a flag known as present, by using this flag, the processor can tell if the page that the process tries to access is loaded into the memory or not, if it is loaded, then a normal access operation is performed, but when the present flag indicates that this page is not in the memory, what should be done? For sure, the page should be loaded from the disk to the memory. Usually, the processor itself doesn't perform this loading operation, instead, it generates an exception known as page fault and makes the kernel deal with it. A page fault tells the kernel that one of the processes tried to access a not-loaded page, so it needs to be loaded. As you can see, page faults help in implementing demand paging, anytime a page needs to be loaded into the memory then a page fault will be generated.
With this mechanism that virtual memory uses to manage the memory, we can make a process to own a size of memory that is not even available on the system. For example, in x86 architecture with systems that employ virtual memory, each process thinks that it owns 4GB
of main memory, even if the system has only 2GB
of RAM for instance. This is possible due to demand paging and page replacements. Of course, a large size of memory being available for the process, makes it easier for the programmers to write their code.
In x86, unlike segmentation which is enabled by default, paging is disabled by default, also, paging is not available on real mode, in 32-bit
environment it can only be used in protected-mode 4. If paging is intended to be used, the kernel should switch to protected-mode first, then, enables paging through a special register in x86 known as CR0
which is one of control registers of x86 architecture. The last bit of CR0
is the one that decides if paging is enabled, when its value is 1
, or disabled when its value is 0
There are three paging modes in x86 a kernelist can chooses from, the difference between these three modes is basically related to the size of memory addresses and the available sizes of a page. These modes are 32-bit paging, PAE paging (PAE stands for "Physical Address Extension") and 4-level paging which is available for 64-bit
environment only.
Beside the last bit in CR0
, there are another two bits that can be used to decide the current paging mode. The first one is known as PAE bit which is the fifth bit of the control register CR4
. When the value of this bit is 1
that means PEA mode is enabled, while 0
means otherwise. The second bit is known as LME
in a register known as IA32_EFER
, setting the value of this register to 1
makes the processor to switch from the protected-mode (32-bit
environment) to the long-mode (64-bit
environment) and when the value of PAE
bit is 1
, then 4-level mode will be enabled.
In our next discussions, we are going to focus on 32-bit
paging mode which is the most basic one that is available for 32-bit
environment. In this mode, there are two available sizes for a page 4KB
and 4MB
, also, 4GB
of memory is addressable in this mode.
Previously, we have discussed a part of the translation process of memory addresses in x86. To sum what we have already discussed up, any memory address that is generated by an executing code in x86 is known as a logical address, which is not the real memory address that contains the required data. This logical address need to be translated to get the real address. The first step of this translation process is to use segment descriptors to translate a logical address to a linear address by using the mechanism that we have already mentioned in chapter . When paging is disabled, the resulted linear address will be the physical (real) address that can be sent to the main memory to get the required data. On the other hand, when paging is enabled, the linear address needs a further translation step to obtain the physical memory address by using paging mechanism. To be able to perform this step of translation, a page table is used with the parts that compose the linear address.
Figure 2: The Structure of Linear Address
Figure 2 shows the structure of a linear address and its parts. As you can see, the size of a linear address is 32-bit
which is divided into three parts. The bits 22
to 31
represent a page directory entry, the bits 12
to 21
represent a page table entry and the bits 0
to 11
represent an offset that contains the required data within a page frame. For example, assume a linear address which is composed of the following: page directory entry x
, page table entry y
and offset z
. That means that this linear address needs to read the offset z
from a page that is represented by the entry y
in the page table, and this page table is represented by the page directory entry x
As you can see here, unlike our previous discussion of page table, the one which is implemented in x86 is a two-level page table, the first level is known as page directory which is used to point to the second level which is a page table and each page table, as we know, points to a page frame. As we mentioned before, the reason of using multi-level page tables is to save some memory since the size of page tables tend to have relatively large sizes in modern architecture and given that each process needs its own page table, then, its better to use multi-level page table which allows us to load just the needed parts of a page table (in a way similar to paging) instead of loading the whole page table into the memory.
The page directory in x86 can hold up to 1024
entries. Each entry points to a page table and each one of those page tables can hold up to 1024
entries which represent a process's pages. In other words, we can say that, for each process, there are more than one page table, and each one of those page tables is loaded in a different part of the main memory and the page directory of the process helps us in locating the page tables of a process.
As we have mentioned before, the page directory is the first level of x86's page table and each process has its own page directory. How the processor can find the current page directory, that is, the page directory of the current process? This can be done by using the register CR3
which stores the base physical memory address of the current page directory. The first part of a linear address is an offset within the page directory, when an addition operation is performed between the first part of a linear address and the value on CR3
the result will be the base memory address of the entry that represents a page table that contains an entry which represents the page that contains the required data.
The size of an entry in the page directory is 4
bytes (32
bits) and its structure is shown in the figure 3. The bits from 12
to 31
contain the physical memory address of the page table that this entry represent. Not all page tables that a page directory points to should be loaded into the main memory, instead, only the needed page tables, the rest are stored in a secondary storage until they are needed then they should be loaded. To be able to implement this mechanism, we need some place to store a flag that tells us whether the page table in question is loaded into the main memory or not, and that's exactly the job of bit 0
of a page directory entry, this bit is known as present bit, when its value is 1
that means the page table exists in the main memory, while the value 0
means otherwise. When an executing code tries to read a content from a page frame that its page table is not in the memory, the processor generates a page fault that tells the kernel to load this page table because it is needed right now.
Figure 3: The Structure of Page Directory Entry
When we have discussed segment descriptors, we have witnessed some bits that aim to provide additional protection for a segment. Paging in x86 also has bits that help in providing additional protection. Bit 1
in a page directory entry decides whether the page table that the entry points to is read-only when its value is 0
or if its writable 1
. Bit 2
decides whether the access to the page table that this entry points to is restricted to privileged code, that is, the code that runs on privilege level 0
, 1
and 2
when the bit's value is 0
or that the page table is also accessible by a non-privileged code, that is, the code that runs on privilege level 3
Generally in computing, caching is a well-known technique. When caching is employed in a system, some data are fetched from a source and stored in a place which is faster to reach if compared to the source, these stored data are known as cache. The goal of caching is to make a frequently accessed data faster to obtain. Think of your web browser as an example of caching, when use visit a page 5 in a website, the web browser fetches the images of that page from the source (the server of the website) and stores it in your own machine's storage device which is definitely too much faster to access if compared to a web server, when you visit the same website later, and the web browser encounters an image to be shown, it searches if it's cached, if so, this is known as cache hit, the image will be obtained from your storage device instead of the web server, if the image is not cached, this is known as cache miss, the image will be obtained from the web server to be shown and cached.
The processor is not an exception, it also uses cache to make things faster. As you may noticed, the entries of page directories and page tables are frequently accessed, in the code of software a lot of memory accesses happen and with each memory access both page directory and pages tables need to be accessed. With this huge number of accesses to page table and given the fact that the main memory is too much slower than the processor, then some caching is needed, and that exactly what is done in x86, a part of the page directory and page tables are cached in an internal, small and fast memory inside the processor known as translation lookaside buffer (TLB
), each time an entry of page table of directory is needed, this memory is checked first, if the needed entry is on it, that is, we got a cache hit, then it will be used.
In x86 paging, caching is controllable, say that for some reason, you wish to disable caching for a given entry, that can be done with bit 4
in a page directory entry. When the value of this bit is 1
, then the page table that is represented by this entry will not be cached by the processor, but the value 0
in this bit means otherwise.
Unlike web browsers, the cached version of page table can be written to, for example, assume that page table x
has been cached after using it in the first time and there is a page in this page table, call it y
, that isn't loaded into the memory. We decided to load the page y
which means present bit of the entry that represents this page should be changed in the page table x
. To make things faster, instead of writing the changes to the page table x
in the main memory (the source), these changes will be written to the cache which makes a difference between the cached data and the source data, that is, they are not identical anymore. This inconsistency between the two places that store the data should be resolved somehow, the obvious thing to do is to write these changes later also on the source.
In caching context, the timing of writing the changes to the source is known as write policy and there are two available policies in x86 for page tables and directory caches, the first one is known as write-through, in this policy, the new data is written on both the cache and the source at same time. The second policy is known as write-back, in which the writing process is performed only on the cache, while writing the changes on the source is performed later, for example when we decide to clear the cache. Bit 3
of the page directory entry decides which write policy will be used for the cached data, the value 1
means write-through policy will be used, while the value 0
means write-back policy will be used.
As in segment descriptors, when a page table which is referred by a given page directory entry is accessed, there is a bit in the directory entry known as access bit which is the fifth bit in the entry. The processor sets the value 1
automatically when the page table is accessed. Setting the value to 0
for any reason is the responsibility of the kernel.
We have said earlier that 32-bit
paging in x86 provides us with two possible options for the size of a page, either 4KB
page or 4MB
page. The bit 7
in a page directory entry decides the size of the pages, when its value is 0
then the page size will be 4KB
while the value 1
means that the page size is 4MB
. There is a major difference between the two options. When the size of the page is 4MB
, the page table will be a normal one-level page table, which means that the page directory will not refer to a page table anymore, but it is going to refer to a page frame. When the size of the page is 4KB
, the two-level hierarchy will be employed. That makes sense, the number of entries that are needed to represent 4KB
pages are way more than the number of entries that are needed to represent 4MB
pages. However, in our discussion, we have focused (and will focus) on the case of 4KB
pages. Finally, the bits 6
, 8
, 9
, 10
in the page directory entry are ignored.
In 4KB
pages environment, a page table is referred to by an entry in the page directory. As mentioned earlier, each page table can hold 1024
entries. After finding the base memory address of the page table in question by consulting the page directory, this base memory address will be used with the second part of the linear address to figure out which page table entry should the processor consult to reach the required data in the physical memory. Of course, the most important information that a page table entry stores is the base physical memory address of the page frame, this memory address will be used with the third part of the linear address (offset) to get the final physical memory address.
The entry of a page table is exactly same as the entry of a page directory, its size is 4
bytes. Though, there are some simple differences, the first difference is bit 7
, which was used to decide the page size in page directory, is ignored in the entry of a page table. The second difference is in bit 6
, which was ignored in the entry of page directory, in page tables this bit is known as dirty bit.
In our previous discussion on virtual memory we know that at some point of time, a victim frame may be chosen. This frame is removed from the main memory to free up some space for another page that we need to load from the disk. When the victim frame is removed from the main memory, its content should be written to the disk since its content may have been changed while it was loaded into the memory. Writing the content of the victim frame to the disk and loading the new page also from disk, given that the disk is really too slow compared to the processor, is going to cause some performance penalty.
To make the matter a little bit better, we should write the content of the victim frame only if there is a real change in its content compared to the version which is already stored in the disk. If the victim frame version which is on the main memory and the version on the disk are identical, there is no need to waste valuable resource on writing the same content on the disk, for example, page frames that contain only code will most probably be the same all the time, so their versions on disk and main memory will be identical. The dirty bit is used to indicate whether the content of the page frame has been changed and has differences with the disk version, that is, the page (when the value of the bit 1
) or the two versions are identical (value 0
The last result of this section is version G
of 539kernel which contains the basic stuff that are related to the memory. Previously, we have seen that we have no way in 539kernel to allocate memory dynamically, due to that, the allocation of entries of processes table and the process control block was a static allocation. Making dynamic allocation possible is an important thing since a lot of kernel's objects need to be allocated dynamically. Therefore, the first memory-related thing to implement is a way to allocate memory dynamically. The other major part of version G
is implementing paging by using x86 architecture's support. Since there is no way yet in 539kernel to access the hard disk, virtual memory cannot be implemented yet. However, basic paging can be implemented and this can be used as basis for further development.
As we have mentioned earlier, in our normal process of developing applications by using programming languages that don't employ garbage collection, we are responsible for allocating spaces from memory. When we need to store data in memory, a free space in memory should be available for this data to put this data in. The process of telling that we need n
bytes from memory to store some data is known as memory allocation. There are two possible ways to allocate memory, statically or dynamically.
Usually, a static memory allocation is used when we know the size of data at compile time, that is, before running the application that we are developing. Dynamic memory allocation is used when the size of data will be known at run time. Static memory allocation is the responsibility of the compiler of the language that we are using, while the dynamic memory allocation is the responsibility of the programmer 6, also, the regions that we have allocated dynamically should be freed manually 7.
As we have seen, there are multiple region of a running process's memory and each region has a different purpose, we already discussed run-time stack which is one of those region. The other data region of a process that we also discussed previously is the run-time heap. When we allocate memory dynamically, the memory region that we have allocated is a part of the run-time heap, which is a large region of process memory that is used for dynamic allocation, in C, for example, the most well-known way to allocate bytes dynamically, that is, from the run-time heap is to use the function malloc
which implements an algorithm known as memory allocator. The run-time heap need to be managed, due to that, this kind of algorithms use data structures that maintain information about the allocated space and free space.
A need of dynamic memory allocation have shown up previously in 539kernel. Therefore, in the current version 539kernel we are going to implement the most basic memory allocator possible. Through a new function kalloc
(short for kernel allocate), which works in a similar way as malloc
, a bunch of bytes can be allocate from the kernel's run-time heap, the starting memory address of this allocated region will be returned by the function, after that, the region can be used to store whatever we wish. The stuff that are related to the kernel's run-time heap will be defined in a new file heap.c
and its header file heap.h
, let's start with the latter which is the following.
unsigned int heap_base;
void heap_init();
int kalloc( int );
A global variable known as heap_base
is defined, this variable contains the memory address that the kernel's run-time heap starts from, and starting from this memory address we can allocate user's needed bytes through the function kalloc
which its prototype is presented here.
As usual, with each subsystem in 539kernel, there is an initialization function that sets the proper values and does whatever needed to make this subsystem ready to use, as you may recall, these functions are called right after the kernel starts in protected mode, in our current case heap_init
is the initialization function of the kernel's run-time heap. We can now start with heap.c
, of course, the header file heap.h
is needed to be included in heap.c
, and we begin with the code of heap_init
#include "heap.h"
void heap_init()
heap_base = 0x100000;
As you can see, the function heap_init
is too simple. It sets the value 0x100000
to the global variable heap_base
. That means that kernel's run-time heap starts from the memory address 0x100000
. In main.c
we need to call this function in the beginning to make sure that dynamic memory allocation is ready and usable by any other subsystem, so, we first add #include "heap.h"
in including section of main.c
, then we add the call line heap_init();
in the beginning of kernel_main
function. Next is the code of kalloc
in heap.c
int kalloc( int bytes )
unsigned int new_object_address = heap_base;
heap_base += bytes;
return new_object_address;
Believe it or not! This is a working memory allocator that can be used for dynamic memory allocation. It's too simple, though, it has some disadvantages but in our case it is more than enough. It receives the number of bytes that the caller needs to allocate from the memory through a parameter called bytes
In the first step of kalloc
, the value of heap_base
is copied to a local variable named new_object_address
which represents the starting memory address of newly allocated bytes, this value will be returned to the caller so the latter can start to use the allocated memory region starting from this memory address.
The second step of kalloc
adds the number of allocated bytes to heap_base
, that means the next time kalloc
is called, it starts with a new heap_base
that contains a memory address which is right after the last byte of the memory region that has been allocated in the previous call. For example, assume we called kalloc
for the first time with 4
as a parameter, that is, we need to allocate four bytes from kernel's run-time heap, the base memory address that will be returned is 0x100000
, and since we need to store four bytes, we are going to store them on the memory address 0x100000
, 0x100001
, 0x100002
and 0x100003
respectively. Just before returning the base memory address, kalloc
added 4
, which is the number of required bytes, to the base of the heap heap_base
which initially contained the value 0x100000
, the result is 0x100004
which will be stored in heap_base
. Next time, when kalloc
is called, the base memory address of the allocated region will be 0x100004
which is, obviously, right after 0x100003
As you can see from the allocator's code, there is no way to implement free
function, usually, this function takes a base memory address of a region in run-time heap and tells the memory allocator that the region which starts with this base address is free now and can be used for other allocations. Freeing memory regions when the code finishes from using them helps in ensuring that the run-time heap is not filled too soon, when an application doesn't free up the memory regions that are not needed anymore, it causes a problem known as memory leak.
In our current memory allocator, the function free
cannot be implemented because there is no way to know how many bytes to free up given the base address of a memory region, returning to the previous example, the region of run-time heap which starts with the base address 0x100000
has the size of 4
bytes, if we want to tell the memory allocator to free this region, it must know what is the size of this region which is requested to be freed, that of course means that the memory allocator needs to maintain a data structure that can be used at least when the user needs to free a region up, one simple way to be able to implement free
in our current memory allocator is to modify kalloc
and make it uses, for example, a linked-list, whenever kalloc
is called to allocate a region, a new entry is created and inserted into the linked-list, this entry can be stored right after the newly allocated region and contains the base address of the region and its size, after that, when the user request to free up a region by giving its base memory address, the free
function can search in this linked-list until it finds the entry of that region and put on the same entry that this region is now free and can be used for future allocation, that is, the memory which was allocated once and freed by using free
function, can be used later somehow.
Our current focus is not on implementing a full memory allocator, so, it is up to you as a kernelist to decide how your kernel's memory allocator works, of course, there are a bunch of already exist algorithm as we have mentioned earlier.
To make sure that our memory allocator works fine, we can use it when a new process control block is created. It also can be used for processes table, as you may recall, the processes table from version T
is an array which is allocated statically and its size is 15
, instead, the memory allocator can be used to implement a linked-list to store the list of processes. However, for the sake of simplicity, we will stick here with creating PCB dynamically as an example of using kalloc
, while keeping the processes table for you to decide if it should be a dynamic table or not and how to design it if you decide that it should be dynamic.
The first thing we need to do in order to allocate PCBs dynamically is to change the parameters list of the function process_create
in both process.h
and process.c
. As you may recall, in version T
, the second parameter of this function called process
and it was the memory address that we will store the PCB of the new process on it. We had to do that since dynamic memory allocation wasn't available, so, we were creating local variables in the caller for each new PCB, then we pass the memory address of the local variable to process_create
to be used for the new PCB. This second parameter is not needed anymore since the region of the new PCB will be allocated dynamically by kalloc
and its memory address will be returned by the same function. So, the prototype of the function process_create
will be in process.h
and process.c
respectively as the following.
process_t *process_create( int * );
process_t *process_create( int *base_address )
You can also notice that the function now returns a pointer to the newly created PCB, in version T
it was returning nothing. The next changes will be in the code of process_create
. The name of the eliminated parameter of process_create
was process
and it was a pointer to the type process_t
. We substitute it with the following line which should be in the beginning of process_create
process_t *process = kalloc( sizeof( process_t ) );
Simply, we used the same variable name process
but instead of getting it as a parameter we define it as a local variable, we call the memory allocator to allocate a region that has the same size of the type process_t
from the kernel's run-time heap, exactly as we do in user-space applications development, so, the new memory region can be used to store the new PCB and its memory address is stored in the local variable process
. In the last of process_create
we should add the line return process;
to return the memory address for the newly created PCB for the new process.
In version T
we have called process_create
in main.c
to create four processes, we need to change the calls by omitting the second parameter, also the line process_t p1, p2, p3, p4;
in main.c
which was allocating memory for the PCBs can be removed since we don't need them anymore. The calls of process_create
will be as the following.
process_create( &processA );
process_create( &processB );
process_create( &processC );
process_create( &processD );
In this section we are going to implement a basic paging for 539kernel. To do that, a number of steps should be performed. A valid page directory should be initialized and its address should be loaded in the register CR3
. Also, paging should be enabled by modifying the value of CR0
to tell the processor to start using paging and translate linear memory addresses by using the page tables instead of consider those linear addresses as physical addresses. We have mentioned earlier, for each process we should define a page table, however, in this section we are going to define the page table of the kernel itself since this is the minimum requirement to enable paging.
The page size in 539kernel will be 4KB
, that means we need a page directory that can point to any number of page tables up to 1024
page table. The mapping itself will be one-to-one mapping, that is, each linear address will be translated to a physical address and both are identical. For example, in one-to-one mapping the linear address 0xA000
refers to the physical address 0xA000
. This choice has been made to make things simple, more advanced designs can be used instead. We already know the concept of page frame, when the page size is 4KB
that means page frame 0
is the memory region that starts from the memory address 0
to 4095d
. One-to-one mapping is possible, we can simply define the first entry of the first page table 8 to point to page frame 0
and so on. The memory allocator will be used when initializing the kernel's page directory and page tables, we can allocate them statically as we have done with GDT
for example, but that can increase the size of kernel's binary file.
Before getting started with the details two new files are needed to be created: paging.h
and paging.c
which will contain the stuff that are related to paging. The content of paging.h
is the following.
#define PDE_NUM 3
#define PTE_NUM 1024
extern void load_page_directory();
extern void enable_paging();
unsigned int *page_directory;
void paging_init();
int create_page_entry( int, char, char, char, char, char, char, char, char );
The part PDE
in the name of the macro PDE_NUM
means page directory entries, so this macro represents the number of the entries that will be defined in the kernel's page directory. Any page directory may hold 1024
entries but in our case not all of these entries are needed so only 3
will be defined instead, that means only three page tables will be defined for the kernel. How many entries will be defined in those page tables is decided by the macro PTE_NUM
which PTE
in its name means page table entries, its value is 1024
which means there will be 3
entries in the kernel's page directory and each one of them points to a page table which has 1024
entries. The total entries will be 3 * 1024 = 3072
and we know that each of these entries map a page frame of the size 4KB
then 12MB
of the physical memory will be mapped in the page table that we are going to define, and since our mapping will be one-to-one, that means the reachable physical memory addresses start at 0
and ends at 12582912
, any region beyond this range, based on our setting, will not be reachable by the kernel and it is going to cause a page fault exception. It is your choice to set the value of PDE_NUM
to the maximum (1024
), this will make a 4GB
of memory addressable.
Getting back to the details of paging.h
, both load_page_directory
and enable_paging
are external functions that will be defined in assembly and will be used in paging.c
. The first function loads the address of the kernel's page directory in the register CR3
, this address can be found in the global variable page_directory
but of course, its value will be available after allocating the needed space by kalloc
. The second function is the one that modifies the register CR0
to enable paging in x86, this should be called after finishing the initialization of kernel's page directory and loading it.
From our previous encounter with the structure of page directory/table entry, we know that the size of this entry is 4
bytes and has a specific arrangement of the bits to indicate the properties of the entry being pointed to. The function create_page_entry
helps in constructing a value that can be stored in a page directory/table entry based on the properties that should be enabled and disabled, this value will be returned to the caller. As you can see from paging.h
, it returns an integer and that makes sense, as we know, the size of integer in 32-bit
architecture C is 4
bytes, exactly same as the size of an entry. The following is the code of create_page_entry
that should be defined in paging.c
, don't forget to include paging.h
inside it.
int create_page_entry( int base_address, char present, char writable, char privilege_level, char cache_enabled, char write_through_cache, char accessed, char page_size, char dirty )
int entry = 0;
entry |= present;
entry |= writable << 1;
entry |= privilege_level << 2;
entry |= write_through_cache << 3;
entry |= cache_enabled << 4;
entry |= accessed << 5;
entry |= dirty << 6;
entry |= page_size << 7;
return base_address | entry;
As you can see, each parameter of create_page_entry
represents a field in the entry of page directory/table, the possible values of all of them but base_address
are either 0
or 1
, the meaning of each value depends on the flag itself and we already have covered them. By using bitwise operations we put each flag in its correct place.
The base address represents the base memory address of a page table in case we are creating a page directory entry, while it represents the base memory address of a page frame in case we are creating a page table entry. This base address will be OR
red with the value that is generated to represent the properties of the entity that the current entry is pointing to, we will discuss more details about the base memory address when we start talking about page-aligned entries.
Now we can use create_page_entry
to implement the function paging_init
which should reside in paging.c
. This function will be called when the kernel switches to protected-mode, as the usual with initialization functions, its job is creating the kernel's page directory and kernel's page tables that implement one-to-one map based on the sizes that defined in the macros PDE_NUM
. The code of paging_init
is the following.
void paging_init()
// PART 1:
unsigned int curr_page_frame = 0;
page_directory = kalloc( 4 * 1024 );
for ( int currPDE = 0; currPDE < PDE_NUM; currPDE++ )
unsigned int *pagetable = kalloc( 4 * PTE_NUM );
for ( int currPTE = 0; currPTE < PTE_NUM; currPTE++, curr_page_frame++ )
pagetable[ currPTE ] = create_page_entry( curr_page_frame * 4096, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 );
page_directory[ currPDE ] = create_page_entry( pagetable, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 );
// ... //
// PART 2
For the sake of simpler discussion, I have divided the code of the function into two parts and each part is indicated by a heading comment. The job of the first part is to create the page directory and the page tables. Based on the default values of PDE_NUM
, three entries will be defined in the page directory, each one of them points to a page table that contains 1024
First, we allocate 4 * 1024
from the kernel's heap for the page directory, that's because the size of each entry is 4
bytes, as you can see, while we need only three entries for the page directory, we are allocating memory for 1024
entries instead, the reason of that is the following: the base memory address of a page table should be page-aligned, also, the base memory address of a page frame should be page-aligned. When the page size is 4KB
, then a memory address that we can describe as a page-aligned memory address is the one that is a multiple of 4KB
, that is, a multiple of 4096
. In other words, it should be dividable by 4096
with no remainder. The first six multiples of 4KB
are 0 = 4096 * 0
, 4096 = 4096 * 1
, 8192 = 4096 * 2
), 12288 = 4096 * 3
), 16384 = 4096 * 4
), 20480 = 4096 * 5
) and so on. Each one of those value can be considered as a page-aligned memory address when the page size is 4KB
Let's get back to the reason of allocating 4 * 1024
bytes for the page directory instead of 4 * 3
bytes. We know that memory allocator sets the base of the heap from the memory address 0x100000
, also, we know, based on the code order of the kernel that paging_init
will be the first code ever that calls kalloc
, that is, kalloc
will be called the first time in 539kernel when we allocate a region for kernel's page directory in the line page_directory = kalloc( 4 * 1024 );
which means that the memory address of kernel's page directory will be 0x100000
) which is a page-aligned memory address since 1048576 / 4096 = 256
(in hexadecimal: 0x100000 / 0x1000 = 0x100) with no remainders.
When we allocate 4 * 1024
bytes for the page directory (the first case), the next memory address that will be used by the memory allocator for the next allocation will be 1048576 + ( 4 * 1024 ) = 1052672
) which is also a page-aligned memory address. The second case is when we allocate 4 * 3
bytes for the page directory instead, the next memory address that the memory allocator will use for the next allocation will be 1048576 + ( 4 * 3 ) = 1048588
) which is not a page-aligned memory address and cannot be used as a base memory address for a page table.
If you continue reading the function paging_init
you will see that the next thing that will be allocated via kalloc
after that page directory is the first page table which should be in a page-aligned memory address, due to that, we have used the first case which ensures that the next call of kalloc
is going to return a page-aligned memory address instead of the second case which will not, of course, this is a quick and dirty solution.
Getting back to the first part of paging_init
, as you can see, it is too simple, it allocates regions from the kernel's heap for the page directory and the entries of the three page tables. Then each entry in both page table and page directory is being filled by using the function create_page_entry
. Let's start with the line which defines entries in a page table.
create_page_entry( curr_page_frame * 4096, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 )
Given that the size of a page is 4KB
, then, page frame number 0
which is the first page frame starts at the physical memory address 0
and ends at physical memory address 4095
, in the same way, page frame 1
starts at the physical memory address 4096
and ends at the physical memory address 8191
and so on. In general, with one-to-one mapping, given n
is the number of a page frame and the page size is 4KB
, then n * 4096
is the physical memory address that this page frame starts at. We use this equation in the first parameter that we pass to create_page_entry
when we create the entries that point to the page frames, that is, page tables entries. The local variable curr_page_frame
denotes the current page frame that we are defining an entry for, and this variable is increased by 1
with each new page table entry. In this way we can ensure that the page tables that we are defining use a one-to-one map.
As you can see from the rest of the parameters, for each entry in the page table, we set that the page frame is present, its cache is enabled and write-through policy is used. Also, the page frame belongs to supervisor privilege level and the page size is 4KB
The code which define a new entry in the page directory is similar to the one which define an entry in a page table, the main difference is, of course, the base address which should be the memory address of the page table that belongs to the current entry of the page directory. When we allocate a memory region for the current page table that we are defining, its base memory address will be returned by kalloc
and stored in the local variable pagetable
which is used as the first parameter when we define an entry in the page directory.
In the previous section we have discussed the meaning of a page-aligned memory address, and we stated the fact that any base memory address that is defined in a page directory/table entry should be a page-aligned memory address. Why? You may ask.
Recalling the structure of page directory/table entry, it is known that the number of bits that are dedicated for the base memory address are 20
bits (2.5
bytes or 2
bytes and a nibble), also, we know that in 32-bit
architecture, the size of the largest memory address (0xFFFFFFFF
) is of size 32
Now, assume that we want to define a page table entry that points to the last possible page frame which its base address is 0xFFFFF000
. To store this full address 32
bits are needed 9 but only 20
bits are available for base memory address in the page table entry, so, how can we point to this page frame since we can't store its full address in the entry?
The numbers that we have defined previously as page-aligned numbers, in other words, the multiples of 4096
, have an interesting property when they are represented in hexadecimal format, they always end with three zeros! 10 In our current example of the last possible page frame, we need to store 0xFFFFF000
as a base memory address, you can see that it ends with three zeros which means that this number is a page-aligned number. Removing the last three zeros of the example memory address gives us the value 0xFFFFF
which exactly needs 20
bits to be stored, so, due to that the base address the is stored in page directory/table should be a page-aligned memory address which makes it possible to remove the last three zeros from it and make its size 20
bits and later on the processor will be able to get the correct full base address from the 20
bits in the entry, simply, by appending three zeros to it. In create_page_entry
the place of these three zeros were used to store the properties of the entry when we OR
red the base address with the value that has been constructed to represent the properties.
The second part of the function paging_init
performs two operations, the first one is loading the content of the global variable page_directory
in the register CR3
, that is, loading the kernel's page directory so that the processor can use it when the second operation, which enables the paging, is performed.
Because both of these functions need to access the registers directly, they will be written in assembly in the file starter.asm
. Till now, it is the first time that we define a function in assembly and use it in C code, to do that we need to add the following lines in the beginning of starter.asm
after extern run_next_process
extern page_directory
global load_page_directory
global enable_paging
There is nothing new in the first line. We are telling NASM that there is a symbol named page_directory
that will be used in the assembly code, but it isn't defined in it, instead it's defined in a place that the linker is going to tell you about in the future. As you know, page_directory
is the global variable that we have defined in paging.h
and holds the memory address of the kernel's page directory, it will be used in the code of load_page_directory
The last two lines are new, what we are telling NASM here is that there will be two labels in current assemble code named load_page_directory
and enable_paging
, both of them should be global, that is, they should be reachable by places other than the current assembly code, in our case, it's the C code of the kernel. The following is the code of those functions, they reside in starter.asm
below the line bits 32
since they are going to run in 32-bit
mov eax, [page_directory]
mov cr3, eax
mov eax, cr0
or eax, 80000000h
mov cr0, eax
There is nothing new here. In the first function we load the content of page_directory
into the register CR3
and in the second function we use bitwise operation to modify bit 31
in CR0
and sets its value to 1
which means enable paging. Finally, paging_init
should be called by kernel_main
right after heap_init
, the full list of calls in the proper order is the following.
And now version G
of 539kernel is ready. It contains a basic memory allocator and a basic paging. The following is its Makefile
which adds the new files to the compilation list.
ASM = nasm
CC = gcc
BOOTSTRAP_FILE = bootstrap.asm
SIMPLE_KERNEL = simple_kernel.asm
INIT_KERNEL_FILES = starter.asm
KERNEL_FLAGS = -Wall -m32 -c -ffreestanding -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-pie
KERNEL_OBJECT = -o kernel.elf
$(ASM) -f bin $(BOOTSTRAP_FILE) -o bootstrap.o
$(ASM) -f elf32 $(INIT_KERNEL_FILES) -o starter.o
$(CC) $(KERNEL_FLAGS) screen.c -o screen.elf
$(CC) $(KERNEL_FLAGS) process.c -o process.elf
$(CC) $(KERNEL_FLAGS) scheduler.c -o scheduler.elf
$(CC) $(KERNEL_FLAGS) heap.c -o heap.elf
$(CC) $(KERNEL_FLAGS) paging.c -o paging.elf
ld -melf_i386 -Tlinker.ld starter.o kernel.elf screen.elf process.elf scheduler.elf heap.elf paging.elf -o 539kernel.elf
objcopy -O binary 539kernel.elf 539kernel.bin
dd if=bootstrap.o of=kernel.img
dd seek=1 conv=sync if=539kernel.bin of=kernel.img bs=512 count=8
dd seek=9 conv=sync if=/dev/zero of=kernel.img bs=512 count=2046
qemu-system-x86_64 -s kernel.img
That is, each page is of size 4KB
and each page frame is of size 4KB
In x86, this logical memory address is known as linear memory address as we have discussed earlier in chapter .↩
In 32-bit x86 architecture, the length of memory address is 4 bytes = 32 bits
, that is, 2^32 bytes = 4GB
are addressable. An example of a memory address in this environment is FFFFFFFFh
which is of length 4 bytes
and refers to the last byte of the memory.↩
In 64-bit architecture paging is available in both protected-mode and long-mode.↩
Please do not confuse a web page with a process page in this example.↩
Not in all cases though.↩
This holds true in the case of programming languages like C. New system programming languages such as Rust for example may have different ways to deal with the matter. However, what we are discussing here is the basis, depending on this basis more sophisticated concepts (e.g. Rust) can be built.↩
The first page table is the one which is pointed to by the first entry in the page directory.↩
Remember, each hexadecimal digit represents a nibble. One byte consists of two nibbles.↩
And that makes sense, the first one of them after zero is 0x1000
) and to get the next one you need to add 0x1000
on the previous one and so on.↩